Advantages of Online Classes for CA Students

Advantages of Online Classes for CA Students

Ten to twelve years back, if anyone would have said that there will come a time when one screen will represent one whole classroom for students, maybe no one would have believed that. But in this digital world, online classes have become the new “normal”. Especially after the Pandemic Covid 19, students as well as teachers have become accustomed to the online mode of teaching rather than the conventional mode. The advantages of online classes are no secret to the world now. The CA students are also not unaware of the benefits of online classes. CA Aspirants first need to understand how CA online classes would be more beneficial to them when compared with face to face classes. Go through the blog to collect more information regarding advantages of online classes.

Why Choose Online Classes over Face to Face classes?

1.No Clashing of Lectures

Online classes have resolved the issue of students who used to face problems in time management. Students who take up more than just one course or have different classes at the same time can now attend these classes without any worries. There will be absolutely no time wasted on commuting from one place to another. This will ensure productivity for students. 

2.Rewind any Class, Anytime

There are students who take time to grasp concepts and that does not mean they are weak in studies. Everyone has their own speed of learning. Every mind works differently. Even though teachers are ready to solve doubts in face to face classes, online classes let students rewind the recorded classes and get their concepts cleared on that very day itself. Some students lay behind in classes if the teacher is too strict or is not student friendly, so online classes are assets to such shy students.

3.No Specifications to View Time

Ever heard that a teacher came to the class and taught the same topic again and again? It is only possible in online classes. This is the top advantage of online classes because students in this 21st century are more inquisitive and for such students, it is vital that they first understand each and every thing taught in the classes because it is only after this that they will be able to raise questions. View the lectures as many times as you want, no one is stopping you!

4.No more Class Bunks!

Most of the students taking the CA course online have approved that the online classes help them attend the classes anywhere and anytime, thus ensuring that they do not need to bunk these classes.Students occupied with Articleship, working professionals engrossed in deadlines and students who are not able to attend the classes due to various health issues have also attested that the advantages of online classes are never-ending. 

5.Study at your own Pace

In face to face classes, it is not possible to ask your teacher for a break in between classes but online classes have made this possible as well. Students who like to study at night or early mornings can just record the lectures and watch them whenever they wish to. 


Anyone with a phone and internet connection can access CA courses online. Students can watch lectures like they watch shows on Netflix or Youtube. The advantages of online classes can be reaped by anyone and everyone but the CA students seem to be liking this option way more. 


There are no restrictions to what the students wear or how they sit in their classroom in online classes. This is because the classrooms have evolved from a particular closed enclosure to various places like balconies, study rooms or even the bedroom for a few students. 

8.Cost Effective Classes

Advantages of online classes also include pocket friendly means of education. The CA students or working professionals no longer have to waste their hard earned money on the whole course duration of CA. Not only the CA students but also students taking any course can reap these benefits of online classes. Online classes let you choose to sit at one place and study for as long as you want, rather than traveling to hundreds of different places. 

9.Global Connection 

Not only do students get to receive education from the best educators but online classes also provide the opportunity to get guidance from teachers sitting far away from us. For instance, students pursuing masters degree or preparing for IELTS can now get lectures from educators living Abroad, who can be better guides in this Arena. 

10.Discipline and self-study

 Self study is mainly a test for every student’s sincerity level. If a student is disciplined enough to be able to make the most out of available resources,then the benefits of online classes are best received by them.

11.Interactive Classes

There are various students who are introverts and they mostly shy away in face to face classes. Such students are intelligent but their fear of asking doubts in class makes them fall behind in academia. Online classes are boon to such students and it is them who make these classes the most interactive. 

Various Methods of Online Classes

There are various different modes of teaching in online classes and students get to choose the options according to their convenience. These options include:

  • Pendrive classes 
  • Google drive classes
  • Pre-recorded video lectures
  • Live online classes

Should you Choose an Online CA Course or an Offline CA Course?

There are various different modes of teaching in online classes and students get to choose the options according to their convenience. These options include:

  • Pendrive classes 
  • Google drive classes
  • Pre-recorded video lectures
  • Live online classes

Frequently Asked Question

It mostly depends on the student’s capacity of intaking information but the online classes are anyway quite flexible.

Yes, definitely. This is one of the best advantages of online classes. You can watch any video lecture any number of times you want to. 

 For students who want to spend less on traveling and study at their own speed, CA Online classes are more beneficial.

 Yes, CA Courses are available both online and offline. Depending on your convenience, you can choose either of them.